This is Knot Good!

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We learn the rope of life by untying its knots. – Jean Toomer

It has been said time and again that exercise is very beneficial to health. Exercise has been shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.  It improves mood and self-esteem while helping to manage depression. It increases energy, strengthens muscles and improves endurance.  It even promotes quality sleep and boosts immunity.  With all of its benefits, there is one aspect of exercise you need to be aware of that can set you back.

When you exercise you create tiny tears in the muscles. It is the repair process after that allows for increase in growth and strength.  However, with any type of injury, no matter how small, the body reacts with an inflammatory response.  This increases muscle tension and shuttles blood to the area to start the repair process.  Have you ever felt that swelling and tightness in your thighs after a good leg workout?  That is your body in repair mode!

This repair process is miraculous but not always accurate. Davis’s Law states that soft tissue (muscle) will model along the lines of stress.  Part of the repair process is the formation of adhesions which become inflexible repair tissue within the muscle.  When these adhesions form across the muscle fibers, and not along the fibers, you get that infamous “knot” that feels like a lump on your muscle.

Think of muscle fibers like cooked spaghetti strands neatly and tightly packed next to each other. Pliable and smooth.  When we workout those strands get cracked and a little sticky.  Some of the spaghetti then starts to stick together and create lumps.  If this continues the lump just gets bigger and bigger.  This is what occurs with your muscles.  Instead of repairing smoothly, the muscle fibers get lumpy as they repair.  If you do not take steps to work out the lumps, it continues to grow and become a permanent change in the muscle.  That is not good!

But there is an easy solution! Just like pasta, or any type of dough, your muscles just need a little kneading to work out those knots and get the muscle fibers smooth again.  Here are some tips to knead those knots and get your muscles back to tip top shape!

  • Stretching. Static stretching after a short warmup allows the muscle to relax and realign to its proper length. When muscles are properly aligned it can reduce the severity of adhesions.

  • Foam Rolling. Also called self-myofascial release technique, foam rolling will help knead the knots through targeted pressure and movement over the adhesion.

  • Therapy Balls. Using therapy balls, a lacrosse ball or even a tennis ball allows you to get deeper into the muscle tissue for those stubborn adhesions.

  • Massage Therapist. Sometimes hiring a professional is the best way to get what you want or need. Find a local neuromuscular massage therapist and your muscles will thank you!

NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training, Clark, Lucett, Sutton


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