Don't Forget to Breathe!

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Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. – Chinese Proverb

The days of May are getting longer and the energy of mid-spring is electric. You are out of the doldrums of winter, no matter how mild it might have been, finally awake from the mental hibernation of the past few months. Now you’re ready to make up for lost time! So before that energy lags, you fill up your to-do list with grand plans of finishing all the things you’ve been meaning to do. This superwoman or superman persona is commendable, but is it healthy?

In a short and confusing answer, yes and no. Our energy flows with the seasons and spring is a time of rejuvenation, growth and new energy. This is the perfect time to take advantage of any new found energy. So if you are chomping at the bit to finally cross that big project off your list, do it! Energy allows for hard work, efficiency and ultimately a sense of accomplishment that continues to feed that energy. You enjoy a cycle of productivity and energy that seems never-ending. It feels so good that you want to continue adding more to your list because you feel like you can accomplish anything!

As amazing as this productivity-energy cycle feels, make sure you save some of that energy for self-care. It may sound silly, but the high you get from checking something off your list can be addicting. The more you pile on your plate, the more you can accomplish, and the more superhuman you become. This is very enticing. But sometimes with this energy and excitement you find yourself asking, did I breathe?

You have most likely said or heard the phrase, “and then I felt like I could breathe.” In whatever context it pertains, that means you or the other person was not breathing before. This sounds silly, right? You breathe every second of every day…otherwise you would be dead. But this popular metaphor has some truth to it. If you feel like you get to the end of a project or work day and then you can finally relax, it means you have not been breathing the entire time! This means if you feel like you haven’t been “breathing” all day, you have not been relaxing.

Instead, you have been in a constant state of stress. Chronic stress can then lead to:

  • A slower metabolism which leads to weight gain.

  • Loss of muscle mass and increased fat storage which leads to weight gain.

  • Increased cortisol levels which promotes fat storage and increases appetite, leading to weight gain.

  • Increased insulin production and blood sugar levels which leads to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and weight gain.

  • Increased total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and small, dense LDL cholesterol which increases risk of heart disease.

  • Increased inflammatory cytokines which increases oxidative damage leading to premature aging and chronic diseases.

  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Most importantly, the body can’t heal physically, emotionally or physiologically when it is in a stress response. It’s time to breathe! The next time you realize you are out of breath, mentally or physically, use one or all of these three tips to relax:

  • Take 5-10 deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, filling your lungs as much as you can. Hold your breath for two or three seconds and forcefully breathe out the mouth until you feel your lungs are almost empty. Repeat.

  • Remind yourself “I have time for everything.” The stress response actually speeds up your perception of time. When you feel like you can relax and have time for all of your tasks, you give yourself more time!

  • Mediation and/or Yoga. Putting your mind somewhere else is not only a great distraction, but it can put the entire body in a relaxation response.

Breath is necessary for life. So remember to breathe, even in the stressful times, and you will live joyfully and relaxed!

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