Make It Worth It!

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The problem with healthy eating is that it always starts tomorrow. – Phil Schmidt

“I’ll start tomorrow” is a familiar sentiment to those who are trying to eat healthier. Or perhaps during this time of year, “I’ll start eating healthier once the holidays are over.” The problem is that procrastinating your health goals over the holiday season will actually set you further away when the New Year finally rings in. Complete indulgence or disappointing deprivation are not your only options though. There are ways to have your cake and eat it too!

The most important food question to ask yourself this season is “Is it worth it?” Be a big proponent of high quality, nothing but the best, can’t stop talking about foods. What is your absolute favorite flavor or food? Keep this in mind when you are choosing to indulge. Save your special treats for only foods you believe are truly worth it. Don’t waste your tastebuds on anything less. If you stick with this selective process you’ll reduce your options and enjoy nothing but the best!

The second question to ask yourself is “Am I enjoying it?” When we are presented with many options, whether they are worth it or not, we tend to eat quickly and mindlessly. Are you stopping to savor each bite? If not, slow down. Eating slow stimulates the cephalic phase of digestion. The pleasure of smelling, tasting and feeling the texture of food. When we allow this phase of eating, we enhance the pleasure of the food experience and enhance our digestion.

The final question to ask yourself is “Am I being too hard on myself?” Just as we talked about in Letting Go of Perfection, it’s ok to not be perfect. Don’t beat yourself up when you stray off your diet plan, or when you choose an indulgent food you thought was worth it. Enjoy your holidays, enjoy your time with family and friends, and enjoy the healthy (and occasional indulgences) you choose this season!

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