Believe to Achieve

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Do or Do not. There is no try. – Yoda

As this year comes to a close, many of us plan to burst forth into the New Year with grand plans of being better.  We make lists of resolutions to do more of this, eat less of that, spend more time with this hobby, spend less time on that vice. We plan a specific route for ourselves to become smarter, stronger, more connected, financially stable, healthier and so on.  If you have been plotting your course for the next year, here are some tips to consider before you etch your resolutions in stone, or post them on social media!

First – Be Selfish. Becoming the best you that you can be is always an admirable goal.  However, only you know what is truly important to you and what interests you.  If family is very important to you, choose a goal around family.  Do you need to spend more time with them and less time at the office?  Do you love making family dinners but fell out of the habit?  Are there new ways you can show or express how much your family means to you?

What about career, fitness, nutrition and health status? Perhaps you are trying to move up in your career.  Maybe you love running and want to signup for your first race.  You may want to eat more whole foods or support local farmers.  Overcoming a health condition can also be a motivator.  Choose what aspects in your life are important to you.  Do not let others dictate what should be your goals for the upcoming year.  When you pursue your passions and interests, whether or not they are nutrition or fitness related, happiness and better health will result.  In fact, that innocuous resolution could become the stepping stone you needed to become the healthiest  you!

Second – Be Reasonable.  This may go without saying, but it bears repeating.  “Never” or “always” should not be part of your resolution list.  I will never eat sweets again.  From now on, I will incorporate yoga into my daily routine (aka always do yoga…for the rest of my life).  Such absolutes will only set you up for failure.  Remember, we are human and error is built into our DNA.  If you are tired of the month long sugar coma, swearing off sweets is not the way to go.  Instead, make a goal of reducing your sugar intake and indulging in only those treats you feel worth it.  If you have been wanting to do more yoga, start with a goal of once or twice a week until that becomes routine.  When goals are reasonable and achievable success motivates and inspires further success!

Third – Be Relentless.  This is your life!  You have now chosen a goal that is not only interesting to you, but also doable.  “Try” should not be in your vocabulary at this point.  Once you tell yourself “I’ll try” you are already setting yourself up to believe you cannot.  Do not try…Do!  This doesn’t mean that you will never stumble along the way.  To do and fail is to put your heart into every attempt and learn from each experience, success or failure.  But to do…is to say “I can.”

Now that you know you can, go forth with gusto and have the happiest year yet!


Failure - The Key to Success


Make It Worth It!