Who Are Your Cheerleaders?

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Life is not a solo act.  It’s a huge collaboration, and we all need to assemble around us the people who care about us and support us in times of strife. – Tim Gunn

Family and friends, they are the symbolic glue that keeps us stable, sane, happy and loved.  The strength of bonds between other humans can be powerful.  A strong social support network can give you a sense of belonging and security.  It can improve your sense of self-worth and ability to handle stress.  It will also reduce anxiety and depression.  When we care deeply for each other, we feel like we can do anything!

It is this profound caring that gives us the desire to want the best for our family and friends.  Yet, as individuals we all have different ideas and definitions for what we feel is “best.”   This can then become a life conflict – a source of love and caring that doesn’t understand your “best.”  Our greatest supporters may not always understand the struggles of a weight loss or healthier lifestyle journey. They may not even understand why it’s needed, especially if you don’t have a chronic disease or medical reason to do so.

Communication is your best tool in this situation.  Here are some easy tips to get the support you need on your new road to a healthier you!

  • Say it out loud. Sometimes lack of support is a result of lack of communication. Do your family and friends know you are on this journey? At times, we try to “go it alone” because we think we can achieve our goals with no help, or we’re afraid we won’t get support. Telling others your goals not only holds you accountable, but your true supporters will back you up 100% and be your cheerleaders every step of the way.

  • Express yourself. What happens if you have told your family and friends your goals, but they don’t seem as enthusiastic as you hoped? Maybe they don’t know why you have your goals. Your support network wants you to be happy! If they know why you are on this journey, and why it’s important to you, they will be excited for you and perhaps even join you!

  • Find your supporters. What if most or all of those closest to you still do not understand your intentions to live a healthier life? This can be common, especially if you are breaking new ground in your social circle. The important thing here is to expand your social circle! Join a gym or fitness minded social group. Talk with friends of friends to see who may be like minded. Find those that support your new healthy lifestyle and ask them to help motivate and keep you accountable.

We are innately social creatures.  Find those new bonds to help you on your journey.  You will then continue on your road to better health and wellness, with your supporters cheering you on at every curve!


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