The Big Bug Balance

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No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance.  The first rule is to stop interfering with nature. – Deepak Chopra

Our bodies are full of bugs!  But wait, before you cringe at the thought, this is normally a good thing!  The digestive tract, skin, tongue and other inner and outer body surfaces are occupied by millions of micro-organisms that live symbiotically with us.  In fact, there are 10 times more microbes than human cells in the body.

The good news is that most of these little critters are with us to enhance our health and immunity.  Although there is always a mix of friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the body, when the friendly bacteria outnumber the bad, health wins.  The bad news is that when the bad bugs start taking over, health gets compromised.

Getting Out of Balance

There are many ways the body can get out of balance – kicking the wrong bugs, the friendly inhabitants, to the curb.

  • Antibiotics kill all bacteria, good or bad.

  • Chemicals in our food and environment

  • Fast food diet

  • Certain medications

  • Chronic stress

Antibiotics are the biggest culprit of imbalance.  They do not discriminate and kill both good and bad bacteria.  Additionally, the bad bacteria get smart and change to become resistant to antibiotics.  This makes it harder to get rid of them.

If you have had several courses of antibiotics in your life; eat a diet high in fast food, sugars, processed foods and artificial ingredients; take medications and/or are chronically stressed, you may be destroying the good guys.

And with the beneficial bacteria gone, the unfriendly bacteria and yeast, like Candida, can flourish.

What is Candida?

Candida albicans is a yeast or fungus that is a normal part of our inner ecosystem, or microbiome…at least in small amounts.

It coexists with the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and a woman’s vaginal tract.  However, if it proliferates beyond normal levels it then becomes pathogenic.

How does Candida proliferate?  The main cause is a high sugar, acid-forming, low mineral diet.  Sugar feeds the candida.  Candida thrives on the body’s own nutrient supply causing mineral deficiencies and an acidic condition, exacerbating the issue.  These mineral deficiencies then create exhaustion and sugar cravings which starts a vicious cycle.

If allowed to continue, candida overgrowth can continue to spread to the sinuses (sinus infections), surface of the tongue (thrush), and skin (rash, fungal infections).

Symptoms of Imbalance

What are the signs and symptoms of candida overgrowth?  If you suspect an imbalance, here are some clues:

  • Food allergies

  • Food sensitivities

  • Gas and bloating

  • Digestive disorders

  • Chronic constipation

  • Skin rashes

  • Fungal infections

  • Recurrent headaches

  • Recurrent vaginal yeast infections

  • PMS

  • Chemical sensitivity

  • Poor memory

  • Brain fog

  • Depression

  • Loss of sex drive

If the list above reads like your recent life story, it’s time to make a change!

Use the following guidelines to help you kick candida to the curb and get back your health!

The Body Ecology Diet

The Body Ecology Diet uses 7 pillars of holistic health to get your body back in balance.  Following the diet will:

  • Starve the Candida and stop the overgrowth

  • Cleanse the body of waste from the dying yeast

  • Reestablish and feed the good bacteria

  • Strengthen the digestive tract

  • Strengthen the immune system

The Seven Key Principles of the Body Ecology Diet are:

#1 – Expansion / Contraction.  This is based on the Oriental principle of yin and yang.  Foods such as eggs, beef and salt are contracting; sugar, alcohol and coffee are expansive; and many foods are naturally balanced.  Find the balance between the two.

#2 – Acid / Alkaline.  An acidic condition in the body tissues leaches vital minerals from bones and other tissues.  Eat primarily alkaline foods for balance.

#3 – Uniqueness.  We all have unique needs when it comes to diet, including by season.  Find what foods work best for you.

#4 – Cleansing.  This is the most important aspect of the Body Ecology Diet.  The body cannot heal without cleansing.  Expect symptoms to get worse the first 2 weeks as you get rid of the bad bugs.  Just remember it does get better!

#5 – Proper Food Combining.  When you eat foods that aren’t compatible in the stomach it causes fermentation.  This feeds the yeast and compromises digestion.  Some basic food combining rules are:

  • Eat fruits alone on an empty stomach

  • Eat protein with non-starchy and/or sea vegetables

  • Eat grains and starchy vegetables with non-starchy and/or sea vegetables

#6 – The 80 / 20 Rule.  This rule is to aid digestion.  First, eat until your stomach is 80% full, leaving 20% to aid digestion.  Next, each meal should consist of 80% non-starchy and/or sea vegetables and 20% animal protein, grain or starchy vegetables.

#7 – Step by Step.  Healing takes time.  You shouldn’t expect to undo years of damage in a few days, or even a few weeks.  Take it one step at a time:

  • Create balance in the inner ecosystem

  • Create energy by nourishing your body

  • Boost immunity to conquer any infections

  • Cleanse the body

Additionally, consuming probiotics through cultured foods or supplements can repopulate the good bugs who work hard to kick candida to the curb!

What Can I Eat?

The Body Ecology Diet focuses on whole foods first.  There are many great foods you can eat!

  • Grass-fed, free-range meat and poultry

  • Organic eggs and Wild-caught fish

  • Raw cultured veggies, such as kimchi

  • Non-starchy vegetables like asparagus, greens, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, garlic, leeks, onion, peppers, and zucchini

  • Starchy vegetables such as red skin potatoes, winter squash, artichokes and peas

  • Ocean vegetables

  • Lemons, limes, black currants and cranberries

  • Almond, flax, chia, sunflower and pumpkin seeds

  • Grains – millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat

  • Unrefined organic oils, raw butter and ghee

  • Herbs, spices, sea salt and stevia

While you are healing avoid the following foods:

Alcohol, sugars, bread/pasta, refined foods, dairy (unless cultured), processed oils, legumes, peanuts, mushrooms, beets, parsnips, sweet potato, russet potato, eggplant, green peppers and most fruit.

Tips for Success

  • Be prepared! Prepping food for the week will make staying on track much easier.

  • Use stevia, herbal teas and sweeter vegetables to curb a sugar craving.

  • Eating at a restaurant or while traveling can be easy. Stick with vegetables and fish or meat and you’re set!

  • Measure your progress. If you remember how far you’ve come, you’ll stay motivated to continue your road to better health!

If you suspect candida overgrowth, or some other underlying issue, make an appointment with your physician and nutritionist to help get your health back on track!

Body Ecology Diet, Donna Gates


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