Journaling, a Powerful Tool for Health

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“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress…” Kofi Annan

Education opens our minds to new information and ideas, changing our thoughts on the world we live in. This change may be minute, such as shopping for organic apples once you know the high pesticide residue on those conventionally grown. Or the change could be life-altering when you study a new field of interest and change your career path. Education doesn’t come from just books, however, it can also come from the self. Learning about yourself can change your way of thinking and the choices you make.

A great way to understand how you tick is through journaling. Do you journal? If the answer is no, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many people believe journaling should be relegated to writers, poets and a therapist’s couch. However, journaling can be pragmatic and logical, giving you opportunity for true analysis of your day.

Do you eat breakfast every day? Do you always have that afternoon energy slump? Are there days that you have an upset stomach for no reason? Perhaps you feel like your energy is all over the place – some days are high energy while others you’re dragging. Keeping a Food/Mood journal gives you a realistic idea of how you’re eating and how that fuel is working for you.

Here are some typical patterns:

– You skip breakfast and nibble throughout the day only to find you are ravenous by dinner, wanting to eat everything in sight.
– You graze on food while watching TV, then suddenly find you are at the bottom of the bag or bowl.
– Your eating is perfect during the week, but the entire weekend is your “cheat” time.
– You’re trying to lose weight, you feel like you’re eating healthy, but the scale isn’t budging and you don’t know why.

If any of these apply to you or you suffer from low energy, illnesses, digestive issues or headaches then it’s a perfect time to start journaling! Make the process easy and fun for you. If you love typing up notes on your phone, track your food/mood on an iPhone note! If you’re always jotting things down in a little notebook, make a separate mini notebook for your nutrition! Addicted to apps? Create an account on MyFitnessPal or LoseIt! Journal in a way that is easiest for you to make the process successful.

The key to journaling is being complete and honest. Make sure to include everything you eat and drink, including little nibbles of food, how much you’re eating (ex. 1 cup whole wheat pasta, ¼ cup almonds, etc.), how much you’re drinking (12 oz water, 3 glasses of wine, 2 cans of Coca-Cola) and what time you eat/drink. You may start noticing patterns. Maybe you finally realize every time you eat ice cream or dairy you get an upset stomach, or your afternoon energy slump occurs every time you eat candy from the communal bowl.

Patterns will emerge, and this knowledge is power. Learn what creates positive energy and what stalls your progress. This education becomes the premise of positive change and progress in your journey to better health and wellness.

Happy Journaling!


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