Don't Get Hangry for the Holidays!

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I wish exercising was as easy as eating. –

Despite being three weeks away from Thanksgiving, the store shelves confirm the holiday season is upon us! That means we are about to embark on a two month journey of days filled with work parties, family gatherings, gift swaps with friends and, of course, lots and lots of food.  There is probably no other time of year that we are continuously tempted to eat “once a year” treats.  Trouble befalls us, however, when the list of these special treats rivals Santa’s nice or naughty list!

When we try each appetizer, dish, dessert or other special treat at every gathering “just this once” the occasional treat turns into a month long feast. How can we keep from being one of the holiday weight gain statistics?  Here are some tips to help you survive this holiday season!

  • Don’t Get Hangry. When you do not fuel yourself properly throughout the day your blood sugar levels drop making you hungry, irritable and craving any quick energy fix. This is not a good state to be in when walking into a party full of food! You may think eating minimally during the day “saves” calories for the party. In reality, you are actually setting yourself up for overeating which pushes your health goals further away. Instead, make sure to eat a light snack or meal before the party. This keeps you satiated while still saving room for a couple of indulgences without overdoing it.

  • Make a Plan. Set intentions for your holiday indulging by going into each party with a plan. Do you love your mom’s holiday dish or dessert that she makes only once a year? Do you know the caterer is going to have a certain appetizer or pastry you loved from last year? Choose to indulge in only those things that you find worth indulging in. When you plan to eat cleaner the rest of the day and pay attention to portions, an occasional indulgence can fit into a healthy nutrition plan. Just skip the pile of store bought cookies or microwaved appetizers and pick that special homemade treat.

  • Keep a Journal. Many nutrition plans falter because you don’t know what may be holding you back. Keeping a food journal puts everything out in the light. It becomes an easy reference to determine how your food choices are influencing your health goals. Additionally, a journal is a great motivator to stop and think about your choices before you indulge. Whether or not anyone else is reviewing your journal, you make take a second look at that plate of cookies if you have to admit that you are going to eat four of them. A journal is a way to keep you accountable to yourself which can motivate you to make healthier choices.

  • Squeeze in Exercise. With many opportunities to indulge, a reduction in exercise presents a double edged sword – eating more and exercising less. Consider exercise as appointments for the week and squeeze your workouts in between your holiday obligations. Morning may be the easiest time to avoid distractions of your to-do list. However, exercising at any time of day that works for you IS the best time to exercise.

  • Take it Easy. Be easy on yourself. This is the holidays! There are healthy eating saboteurs everywhere. It’s a miracle if anyone makes it through 100% unscathed. If you slip, just get back to your healthier eating. Don’t chastise yourself and fall deeper into an unhealthy pattern. Remember we are all human and to err is to be human. Don’t create additional stress because you weren’t as healthy as you hoped. Just look forward to that next clean, healthy meal you have planned!

These tips will help you not only survive, but thrive with your health goals this holiday season!

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